You’re Lesbian? You Need Lesbian Online Dating!

by Mary Malia

This is a fact – YOU NEED LESBIAN ONLINE DATING!  In October of 2013 I hit the road for a long spin with the Gay Girl Love Tour. When I finally got back to Maine on December , to visit my mother and family for the holidays, I’d driven 9000 miles.

What’s that got to do with lesbian online dating?

Well as I did the math recently, I met about 140 lesbians through the workshops I did over the fall. There was a consistent theme.

Lesbians don’t ask lesbians out in person.

Let me say that again, WOMEN DON’T ASK WOMEN OUT IN PERSON!

I did a workshop with 12 women a week ago. Not one had asked a women out face to face in the last 6 months.

In my workshops in Texas, this was also what was happening with the majority of lesbians in the room. This is real research baby!

And you wonder why lesbians have a dating problem?

At least the women showing up in my workshops don’t and that’s one reason you’re here. Neither do you.

Now that little statement is the reason your dating life sucks and nothing is happening.

All of you luscious, sexy and amazing women are waiting for someone else to ask you out. That’s like waiting for someone else to put food in your mouth so you won’t starve to death when we live in a country with grocery stores and food everywhere and you have two arms that work and hands that work. You’re too old for someone else to be feeding you.

You’re also too old to be waiting around for someone else to ask you out. GET ON IT.

Lesbian Online Dating Is One Way To Ask Women Out And Often The Way!

If you’re uncomfortable with asking women out in person, lesbian online dating is the way to go.

If you’re not sure where the lesbians are in your area, lesbian online dating is the way to go.

If you’re late to coming out, lesbian online dating is the way to go.

If you feel awkward about asking in person because you fear rejection, lesbian online dating is the way to go.

Am I making my point yet? And it you tell me you hate it, ok fine. It’s still the way to go!

Now yes, online dating has it’s problems. Just like asking another lesbian out face to face has its problems. Rejection is the big one isn’t it? You’re afraid of rejection and when you dig inside yourself to figure out what it means to you to be rejected, that often goes right to your core – rejection means “there’s something wrong with me” or “I’m just not good enough” or “No one will ever love me” or “I’m going to die alone.”

One Problem You Have To Get Over Is The Fact That Every Women Won’t Say Yes

You have to grow an emotional muscle that knows not to take rejection personally. One way to get there is to see every NO as a gift. When someone says NO I don’t want to go out with you, start telling yourself what a gift that is.

It’s a gift because she won’t be someone breaking your heart later on. It’s a gift because it means you’re still available for Ms. Right for you! It’s a gift because you start to discover NO doesn’t have to be a big deal. You can take a breathe and move on.

Now that leads me right back to online dating. Get on it! Now! This is the time of year when women are most active online. More women than any other time of year are signing up. Women will say NO to you out here, but don’t take it personally. Just say, “Next…” and keep looking.

Get on it because it’s one place where all the women are looking to date. It’s one place where it is expected that you’ll ask women out. It’s one place where you SHOULD be asking women out. So stop playing around with being a pen pal and start asking women out.

Stop waiting for someone to feed you. Feed yourself.

Ask that interesting lesbian out. If she says no, don’t fret about it. Don’t take it personally. MOVE ON TO THE NEXT ONE… that’s what online dating is all about.

Hey are you on my mailing list yet? Get on it!! You’ll get updates on new posts like this. You’ll also get updates on events I’m doing like the Gay Girl Love Tour, the Live Your Best Lesbian Life Global Telesummit, my Gay Girl’s Night Out monthly tele-seminars and more.


Have you asked women out in face to face? Tell me about it in the comment section below. Share your wisdom and bravery with others that read this blog!

Sending you love and hugs,




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Mary Gorham Malia is the Gay Girl Dating Coach. Her mission is to help lesbians break through the barriers to finding lasting love and creating amazing relationships. In 2013, she launched the Gay Girl Love Tour to bring dating strategies and tools to lesbians across the USA.

Mary is the founder of the Live Your Best Lesbian Life Global Tele-Summit. An exclusive event that features interviews with lesbians who live their lives out loud and are a voice for living your best lesbian life.

She’s been named #1 on the Top 10 Lesbian Dating Bloggers List, is a featured blogger for Huffington Post, and an expert on

Mary focuses on helping you love your gorgeous, handsome, beautiful, sexy lesbian self while giving you tools to break through what holds you back from finding love and creating more happiness in your lesbian life.

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