Content Packed Lesbian Dating Workshop Reveals the Big Three Blunders That Keep You Single and Shows You How to Break Through to a Whole New Way of Dating
Why Attend a Dating Workshop for Lesbians?
It’s the “dating know-how” you can’t get anywhere else. Plus a room full of single women who are also serious about finding a great relationship!
- Has it been so long since you’ve been on a date, you’re not sure you should even bother?
- Are you late to lesbian life and discovering dating isn’t as easy as you’d hoped?
- Have you been forced back into the singles market and you don’t know where to start?
- Do you feel like there’s a problem with dating lesbians who live in New York City?
- Do you feel like you’re too late, too old, too picky, too… anything for dating?
Enter your name and email address below to get all the information on dating workshops in New York City and Connecticut in April!
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Enter your name and email address below to get all the information on dating workshops in New York City and Connecticutt in April!
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