Every Gay Girl has a story…

by Mary Gorham Malia

So what’s my story? I came out late in life after being married for a good long while. I have two children. My son is grown and gone; creating his own dreams. My daughter is finishing up high school and dreaming about going to college in a large city somewhere.

Coming out later in life, I realized that I’d been running some movies in my head and dreaming about what life and love would be like. Reality did not meet up with the movie in my head and there has been some heartbreak along the way.

Interestingly, I didn’t die from that heartbreak – though for a while I thought I might. I’ve found my way through the last ten years of being out of the closet to be some of the hardest and happiest of my many years. I’ve learned a lot, mostly about myself. I’ve met so many amazing, smart, interesting and caring women as I’ve traveled, dated, worked and vacationed across America and there has been a theme to many of those conversations.

In the last couple of years, as I’ve re-evaluated my entire life, I realized that I was often meeting a “gay girl” who was struggling with dating and finding a relationship. This was my own experience also but I can confess that I’d moved past dating being a bad experience. I started to study myself and what was happening during a date. I learned to ask better questions! I evaluated what I really wanted in a date but I didn’t stop there. I also sat down and figured out what I really want from life, what I value and what I just have to have in my life to be happy. Wow is one way to say, knowing myself that well has changed my approach to romance!

I’ve always said, “There has to be a spark!” or there’s no point in dating. But now I know what else needs to be there to make it last. Shared values, commonality in life vision, ability to support each other’s life purpose and FUN, LAUGHTER AND HUMOR!

Love and connection are such big stuff. Big life stuff! I want to help you make the love connection that will last. That’s it! That’s a lot.

Xoxo, Your Gay Girl Dating Coach… Mary

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